
Age 19, Male

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NesstaIgia's News

Posted by NesstaIgia - August 25th, 2023

Sup everyone, I know I'm extremely late that I got a lot of stuff to do. however I never posted News before so I have NG account for a looooong time so I decided to make my own

so, You probably remember seeing me as Mario Sunshine Shirt right? that's me, I was that guy. a lot of people loved my shirt including Ninjamuffin99. Mario Sunshine is one of those my favorite game of all time which it make sense since i'm a avid Mario Fan so

I already made a YouTube post on my community tab and my own highlight as a Footage if you wanna watch it


This is me when i take Photo Ops with Ninjamuffin99 (I decided to put Cloud FNF Icon due to Privacy concerns)


I literally got my hands on FNF merch that cost me 95 dollarsiu_1059880_6281737.webp

Me behind the theaters.

Pretty sure that's all of the pictures i got, however I already explain it in my community post. but I will explain stuff that i missed However for now I'm gonna explain that again

when we finally at the park. We decided to go to Tim Hortons near to the park as a bathroom break however when we try to find it. My brother-in-law saw a Newgrounds shirt meaning that's them and there's like 5 people since we're here before 2PM like 20 minutes before they gave us free stickers and people loved my shirt. I explained my sister and my brother-in-law about the website since they haven't used it. during 2pm a lot of people joining in and when I saw Ninjamuffin99 walking down in the hill and i said "Oh wow, It's him" and I tried to do a Takayuki Yagi (from Judgment) move by activating Active Search Mode (yeah i played Yakuza games for like 300+ hours) and finally. We used Nametags which it's convenient. however, after identifying between the pic from Wikipedia and in-person i knew it's him that his username proves it so I asked him to take pics and he accepted it (which i showed you earlier). however I met Rozebud and KaneSucks (a Cloud dev guy that I hired him in my friend's mod), speaking of Kane. I tried to give him 20 dollars for his payment after we made an agreement as a tab. he said "No Thanks" which it's fair i wanted to save money on the Toronto trip

We walked from the theaters for 15 minutes and god it was beautiful as the sun came out after the rain stopped, it totally is my day right here. so my sister already bought tickets and we went to the theaters. NM99 told us there's a merch at the corner. everyone went crazy to the merch stand so I just go as fast as Peppino or Wario. however I finally went near to the merch stand and I went second after one person buying it so I bought a poster, a full set of pins, and vinyl. before the show starting

we watched a bunch of animations like I love Peck animation. My sister loved the Cream one and the Baby Grinch one where the alien jumped the building which it made everyone laugh, god it feels like we're watching an Oscar almost

Alright i think that pretty much sums it up so I still have a good time visiting this event so I am glad I have a Newgrounds account back in 2017 since i still care about that website for good reason so


Here's an aftermath of the Toronto Meetup on my friend's mod dev team

I'm surprised I have the courage to upload my own Highlight and make a blog about my own experience of the Meetup thing. thanks to everyone who participated in the event. Newgrounds changed my life for eternity. however, I still got a stuff to do so have a good day everybody
